How to set up LobbyGod on your PlayStation 5

Video Guide:

Text Guide:

Step 1:

On your PlayStation, visit the Settings menu and select Network.

Step 2:

Choose to set up an internet connection, select your home Wi-Fi connection if you usually connect your PlayStation via Wi-Fi OR choose LAN if you are usually connected via an Ethernet cable.

Step 3:

After choosing your network, select "Advanced Settings" to configure LobbyGod DNS.

Step 4:

- Choose Automatic for IP Address Settings

- Choose Do Not Specify for DHCP Host Name

- Choose Manual for DNS Settings

Fill in the Primary DNS and Secondary with the following:

  • Primary DNS:
  • Secondary DNS:

- Choose Automatic for MTU Settings

- Choose Do Not Use for Proxy Server

Step 5:

Once you have done so, click Next to test the connection.

Step 6:

Once complete, power cycle your PlayStation:

  • Unplug from wall power
  • Wait the full 30 seconds
  • Power back on

Step 7:

Grab your phone, make sure it's connected to your home Wi-Fi network.

Then, on your phone select a location on our dashboard -

Make sure the device you are visiting the dashboard from (for example your phone) is connected to your home network. The same network as your PlayStation.

Final Step:

Launch the game and confirm that your in-game location changed. You can learn how using our quick guide.

That's it! If your location has changed in-game you are all set. If your in-game location does not change please get in touch with us over on Discord or by emailing

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