How to set up LobbyGod for Warzone Mobile on Android

Important: Some Android phone brands use different Android skins so these instructions might look slightly differently between brands.

Step 1:

Sign up for a LobbyGod account for your free trial over at

Step 2:

Visit the Settings app on your Android device and select the "Network & Internet" settings.

Step 3:

Next, select "Private DNS"

Step 4:

Select "Private DNS provider hostname", enter and tap "Save".

Important: You will lose internet connectivity briefly - Give your phone a moment to reconnect.

Step 5:

Open up your web browser, visit and tap the yellow "Activate" button to enable LobbyGod on the network you are currently connected to.

If LobbyGod is already active on your network you will only see a green checkmark which means you can move on.

IMPORTANT - You have to use the Activate button every time you switch networks.

For example - You activated LobbyGod while your phone was connected to your home Wi-Fi. If you go out of the house and connect to a mobile network or a different Wi-Fi you must re-activate again for LobbyGod to apply.

Step 6

On the same page, select a location from the list.

Step 7:

In your web browser visit - This is our DNS tester.

If you are set up correctly, the DNS test will pass, you will see a green checkmark and your selected location will be displayed.

That's it! If the test passes and your chosen location is shown on the tester page you are all set. Launch the game and enjoy!

If the test fails, or if you have any questions please get in touch with us over on Discord or by emailing

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