How to set up LobbyGod on your Xbox One and Series S/X

Step 1:

Remember - Xbox may require disabling IPv6 on your router as Xbox do not let us disable IPv6 on the console itself.

You can check out our common router guides on this OR google how to disable IPv6 on your router if your brand is not included. It should not take you more than 5-10 minutes to do, generally.

Step 2:

On the Xbox Dashboard, scroll over to the right and click on the Settings Cog.

Step 3:

Select the Network Settings tab.

Step 4:

On the next page, select Advanced Settings.

Step 5:

Select DNS Settings, then select Manual and fill in the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS with the following:

  • Primary DNS:
  • Secondary DNS:

Confirm and restart your Xbox.

Step 6:

Once complete, power cycle your xbox by unplugging it from the wall, then select a location on our dashboard -

IMPORTANT - Make sure the device you are visiting the dashboard from (for example, your phone) is connected to the same network as your Xbox.

Final Step:

Launch the game and confirm that your in-game location changed. You can learn how using our quick guide.

That's it! If your location has changed in-game you are all set. If your in-game location does not change please get in touch with us over on Discord or by emailing

You may need to disable IPv6 on your router while setting up LobbyGod in certain situations or when connecting from certain internet providers as some provider force IPv6 which does not work with LobbyGod. If your in-game location does not change, please disable IPv6 on your router and try again.

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