How to fully restart your game after switching locations

It is extremely important to fully restart your game every time you select a different location. Here is the quick way to do this on all platforms.

Xbox One & Series S/X:

  1. From anywhere in game, hit the Xbox button on your controller.
  2. Navigate to the game you want to close and hit the Menu button
  3. Select Quit, then re-launch the game.

PlayStation 4/5:

  1. From anywhere in game, hit the PlayStation button  on your controller.
  2. Navigate to the game you want to close and hit the Options button (top left of the X, O, square and triangle buttons)
  3. Select Close Application, then re-launch the game.


Press escape from the main menu or navigate to the settings manually, then select quit to desktop. You can also just kill the game using ALT-F4 if you're feeling edgy.

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